Rap2K : Rap, Hip Hop


2Pac : nouvelle enquête !

L'enquête prend une autre tournure

2Pac : nouvelle enquête !
Alors que le monde du hip-hop commémore en ce moment les 9 ans de la disparition de Tupac Shakur, le F.B.I. vient de rouvrir l'enquête sur la fusillade qui a eut lieu au Quad Studio de NY en 1994 pensant trouvé des connections avec la fusillade qui coutera la vie à Tupac deux ans plus tard à Las Vegas.

En novembre 1994, à un mois de l'ouverture de son procès pour viol, Tupac est blessé par balles à 5 reprises au Quad Studio où il enregistre avec Puff Daddy et Notorious B.I.G. Jusqu'à sa mort le 13 septembre 1996, il restera persuadé de l'implication de Biggie et Puffy dans cette affaire qui faillit déjà lui couter la vie.

D'après certaines sources proches de l'enquête, les fédéraux se focaliseraient sur Jimmy "Henchmen" Rosemond, un homme bien connu du milieu hip-hop puisqu'il possède un label sur lequel vient de signer récemment Cuban Link et surtout parcequ'il est le manager de The Game, de la chanteuse Sharissa et de Mario Winans entre autres.

Peu avant sa mort, Tupac déclara dans plusieurs interviews qu'avant la fusillade du Quad studio il avait rencontré Rosemond afin de lui demander l'argent que celui-ci lui devait pour plusieurs featurings.
D'ailleurs il était aussi persuadé de l'implication de ce dernier dans le shooting.
Ainsi, dans son brulôt "Hit Em Up" il n'hésitait pas à attaquer Rosemond:

"Promised a payback, Jimmy Henchmen in due time/I knew you bi**h ni**az was listening/The World is Mine/Set me up, wet me up, ni**az stuck me up/Heard the guns bust, but you tricks never shut me up/Touch one of mine on everything I own I'll destroy everything you touch/play the game ni**a."

Rosemond nie en bloc accusant Tupac d'être paranoiaque et déclarant qu'il n'a rien à craindre d'une enquête puisque de toute façon celle-ci ne rèvèlerait rien.
"C'est une honte que 11 ans après le "Quad Shooting" et 9 ans après la mort de Tupac des gens continuent à m'associer à ça. Ca n'a pas de sens" a-t-il déclaré dans une interview. "Je soutiens toute enquête sur les deux incidents, en fait je financerait moi-même l'enquête afin que la vérité éclate enfin au grand jour. Tupac était un très bon ami à moi et je suis profondément blessé que des gens essayent de me tuer et de me faire passer pour le grand méchant du hip-hop."

Ces accusations ne datent pas d'hier, en fait depuis de nombreux années, le nom de Jimmy Rosemond et ceux de Jacques "Haitian Jack" Agnant et Walter "King Tut" Johnson (actuellement emprisonné dans une prison fédérale) sont associés à la fusillade du Quad Studio, mais c'est la première fois que la justice s'intéresse à eux.

9 ans après la mort de Tupac, l'enquête semble bien loin d'être fermée.
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    MAKAVELI_D_DUN - Mar 28 Oct 2008
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    Ok il est plusque probable de dire que Pac est mort, mais si TOI tu dis je suis sûr qu'il est mort c'est de la connerie.. tu ne l'as jamais vu se faire shooter, ni vue son corps... COmment tu peux etre sur d'un truc donc tu ne sais rien...

    lalao - Mar 28 Oct 2008
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    29 pour 100 pense que 2pac n'est pas mort, comment être naif a ce point, il est mort en septembre 1996, la date exact je ne suis pas sur de la connaitre, mais je suis sûr et certain qu'il est mort.

    DBLV - Mar 29 Avr 2008
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    J'ai voté le gouvernement mais en vrai j'en sais rien du tout, un truc qui est sur, c'est que d'après le documentaire pas du tout objectif c'est suge, et que c'est uniquement pour ca que tout le monde à tendance à croire que c'est lui, mais moi à ca place, si j'avais commandité le meurtre, je me trouverai pas dans la même voiture que le gars que je veux faire descendre, faut pas déconner! maintenant je n'ai pas de réponse + précise mais les autres incriminer dans cette affaire le son moins que suge. Beaucoup de monde avait, comme suge, intérêt à le faire descendre.

    zig zag coast - Lun 14 Avr 2008
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    Suge Knight est orcementimpliqué pour moi ;)

    wood108 - Dim 13 Avr 2008
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    la mafia contrôle peut être hollywood mais elle ne contrôle pas tout ,
    elle est juste nécessaire pour un gouvernement de régler certaines futilités dans le secret !!!

    thugpac - Dim 13 Avr 2008
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    on s'en sortira jamais je crois :heuh:

    MAKAVELI_D_DUN - Lun 07 Avr 2008
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    ptn vieux cest pas the godfathers ici, ni scarface

    lalao - Dim 06 Avr 2008
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    la mafia au state, a main prise sur tout, y comprit sur l'industrie de la musique et du cinéma.

    williams - Lun 14 Jan 2008
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    faudrait appeler GRISSOM car il enquete a las vegas HAHA c'est un sal coup monté cette fusillade et si l'enquête n'est pas bouclée c'est soit pour cacher qui l'a tué ou alors c'est pour cacher 2pac.

    williams - Lun 14 Jan 2008
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    pfff pas de corps trouvé pas d'enquête ouverte pas de documents conçernant son déces... bref un peu bizar pour la mort d'une "icone" moi je suis plus a penser qu'il a changé d'identité ou alors il est mort et suge knight est derriere tout sa

  • DammiT
    DammiT - Ven 01 Jun 2007
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    Moi je penche soit pour Haitian Jack & King Tut ( chef de gang à l'origine de l'existence de Bad Boy Records ) ou alors c Orlando Anderson ( membre d crips alors ke tupac été plutot blood )

    un membre d crips ki se fait hontement tabassé par le staff deathrow dont le patron, suge knight, est un blood = une bonne raison de se venger sans plus attendre de la manière dont tous les gangs procédent : le drive by shooting.

    MAIS d interrogations restent:
    -pourkoi a t-il été incinéré le lendemain de sa mort alors ke la loi américaine impose un délai de 3 jrs?
    -comment a t-il fait pour porter d baskets ki n'existaient pas avant sa mort (clip toss it up)?
    -pourkoi aucun d amis du cortege ki suivaient tupac é suge n'ont tenté de suivre les assaillants?

    vous avez d suggestions?

  • DammiT
    DammiT - Ven 01 Jun 2007
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    é si on tuait ta mere?
    9 ans après,on te dis k'on a enfin d soupcons;
    tu leur dirais d'arreter de te fair chier?

  • johnnyj1
    johnnyj1 - Sam 07 Avr 2007
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    c pas dans hit em up qu'il attaque henchmen mais dans against all odds

    DealM_du_93 - Mar 27 Mar 2007
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    ok. ce qui m'a soulé c'est que tu me traites de tebé, et qu'apres tu me demandes de rester poli. bref comme tu dis passons.

    Kaozz - Mar 27 Mar 2007
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    Si partager des informations c'est être parfait j'crois que j'suis perdu quelque part. Pour ton information personnelle j'suis loin d'être parfait va. 'fin bref, nan j'rentre pas dans des 'clash virtuel' non plus, rien à péter.


    DealM_du_93 - Mar 27 Mar 2007
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    je crois que tu as un peu de mal non?

    j'ai reconu que je m'étais planté, et je n'y vois aucune honte......., contrairement à toi je suis loin d'être parfait ptdr, je vois pas pourquoi tu viens me parler de respect [edit] j'enleve cque j'ai ecrit. pas envie d'entrer dans un clash virtuel...

    [edit2] c'etait à Mpobarat que je répondais, pas a toi.......

    peace :good: :glare:

    Kaozz - Mar 27 Mar 2007
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    Euh, t'sais DealM_du_93 quand j't'ai répondu c'était pas pour te saoulé mais plutôt parce que l'information n'était pas juste, maintenant ce serait bien qu'tu respecte un peu, parce que si tu t'es trompé et qu'tu l'as pris comme une 'honte' c'est ton problème mais reste poli, merci. ^^

    Et pour PacSide merci bien mais j'étais admin' là bas donc j'me passerai d'ce genre de quote.

    DealM_du_93 - Mar 27 Mar 2007
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    source Cliquez ici

    autrement dit, je me suis planté, je le reconnais (elle est bonne ta branlette?)
    J'avais en tete que la caisse s'etait arrétée du coté de Suge... bref salit pas ton ecran ok?

    (ps: je suis toujours "ptdr")

    miss74 - Mar 27 Mar 2007
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    MAI VASI toi tu sert a rien ds ce sondage tu c ka juger les gen et a mal parler.ON VEU PA DE TOI ICI.tu ser a rien.on est pa la pour juger ou mal parler au gen.respecte les opinion des autres

    DealM_du_93 - Mar 27 Mar 2007
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    putain il t'arrive quoi tu t'es senti pousser des couilles cette nuit ou quoi?

    2kill - Lun 26 Mar 2007
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    Du calme les gens !!!

    On est la pour partager nos impressions, et pas pour se dechirer les uns les autres.
    C'est tout a fais normal que nous partageons pas le meme avie ( c'est d'ailleur tout l'interet d'un forum ), mais un peut de respect pour les commentaires que nous lachons.

    Peace and love :good:

    Mpobarat - Lun 26 Mar 2007
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    Allez Miss racaille lits les post avant de poster d'la merde. J'vois que toi aussi t'es H.S. on t'ne veut pas

    Kaozz - Lun 26 Mar 2007
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    J'crois que c'est toi qui a mal lu. ^^'

    miss74 - Lun 26 Mar 2007
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    Après, surgit un véhicule (Une Cadillac blanche) avec 4 personnes à bord (selon les témoins). Ce sont quatre noirs, des gangsters. Orlando est assis derrière, tenant son arme fermement à la main. Le conducteur de la voiture des gangsters manoeuvre afin de dépasser la voiture de Tupac et Suge. Lorsque la voiture des gangsters était sur le point de doubler celle de Tupac, le tireur Orlando, exécutant ce qui est appelé une "drive by shooting" sort son arme (Un glock 40) et ouvre le feu sur 2pac et Suge.
    Tupac reçoit 4 balles dans le corps dont 2 sont mortelles. Suge reçoit juste une blessure à la tête.
    Tupac est transporté à l' hopital par Suge Knight


    miss74 - Lun 26 Mar 2007
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    MAI C TOI KI EST HORS SUJET C TOI KI c pa lhistoire.DealM_du_93 a totalement raison suge ni étai pour rien lui.IL éTAI AUPRè DE TUPAC DS LA VOITURE

    miss74 - Lun 26 Mar 2007
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    M4kaveli72 - Dim 25 Mar 2007
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    Un peu de respect entre nous svp :heuh:

    Mpobarat - Dim 25 Mar 2007
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    Ramasse tes dents DealM_du_93.
    Quand on connait pas l'histoire on ferme sa gueule

    Kaozz - Sam 24 Mar 2007
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    Quand on est te-bê...

    "On the 7th, Tupac went back to L.A.. Tupac decided he wasn’t gonna go to Las Vegas, but to Atlanta to settle problems with some relatives instead. Suge got him to change his plans though. Tupac told Kidada that morning there was a heavy-weight bout that night at the MGM Grand , and weeks before he’d promised Suge he’d go to it with him. He also said he didn’t want to go, but he’d given Suge his word. He said she could come along, not to the fight, he didn’t want her with that roudy bunch, but to the party Suge was having afterward at a club he owned downtown, and if she were beside him it would be ok. When they got back his house in Calabasas, Kidada started packing. When she reached for his bulletproof vest that he always wore. Tupac said, "No, It’ll be too hot." Then they left. They stopped at a gas station and Tupac bought five magazines about guns. He read them until they reached the Luxor Hotel. Tupac went to Suge’s mansion southeast of downtown. They partied for a while. Tupac made a video of him calling Keisha and another girl. Then he went to the MGM Grand to watch the Mike Tyson / Bruce Seldon fight. He was mad because Suge showed up at the last minute. He sat in section 4, row E, seat 2. Tupac said, "Did you see Tyson do it to him? Tyson did it to him! Did ya’ll see that? We bad like that. Come out of prison and now we running shit." He went backstage and hugged Mike. At 8:45 P.M., Travon Lane (Tray) was walking near the hotel’s Grand Garden with Death Row’s crew. Tray pointed out Orlando to Tupac. Tupac ran down the hallway until he met up with Orlando. Tupac asked, "You from the South?" It escalated into a fight and Tupac started beating the shit out of him. Later the rest of the Deathrow crew arrived and helped him beat him up. There was only one bodyguard with the crew, and he had to pull Tupac out of it twice. They knocked Orlando down and began kicking and punching him. A security camera recorded the incident on tape. The fight was stopped by hotel security, and Orlando was held for questioning by the police, then was allowed to leave after he declined to press charges. As left he gave his signed $1000 ticket’s stub into the fight to a guy. He said, "Here you go, boy. Enjoy this." Tupac left at 8:55, to go back to the hotel. Tupac went up to Hammer’s car and told me about the incident that had just happen. Hammer asked him some questions about it and he said it was all squashed and not to worry about it. While he was getting in his car he was bragging about how Tyson took him out in 50 punches and all he had to do was three punches and the dude was on the ground. Tupac’s bodyguard said he had trouble getting him to wear his vest, and he wouldn’t wear it very often. He didn’t wear it at all the whole night. Since they were in Las Vegas they legally couldn’t carry guns, but guns were brought anyways. They were in a hurry leaving the fight though, and the bodyguard forgot his gun in his car. When he got to the hotel he told Kidada, "Some nigga started a fight with me for nothin.’ Something’s up, you stay here." He was also upset because he couldn’t find the Outlaws, who were supposed to be at the fight. He changed clothes then went back to Suge’s house. They got ready for party at Club 662, where 2Pac was going to perform. Tupac had wanted to drive his Hummer, but Suge said that they had things to discuss and got Tupac to ride with him. Two hours later, Suge in his black, tinted-window ’96 BMW 750 sedan left the mansion with Tupac in the passenger seat, and the 10-car entourage behind them (et oui ça inclue Frank Alexander et même Kadafi, y a même une photo qui circule sur le net où on peut le voir menotter le soir même). They were listening to The Don Killuminati The 7 Day Theory very low in the BMW. At 10:55, Tupac rolled down the window and a photographer took their picture at a red light. At 11:00, they were stopped on Las Vegas Blvd. by Metro bicycle cops for playing his car stereo too loud and for not having license plates, which were in the trunk on his rented car. He was not cited and was released a few minutes later. At a red light, on Flamingo Road, near the intersection of Koval Lane, in front of the Maxim Hotel two girls distracted Tupac and Suge on the driver’s side, and at 11:15, a white, four-door, late-model, Cadillac with California plates pulled up. Tupac had been standing up through the sunroof. Two of the four men inside the car got out and fired thirteen rounds into the passenger side of the car, from a Glock .40 caliber handgun (donc ça veut dire que la Cadillac est arrivée côté passager, ô miracle, à moins que Suge soit assez con pour matter les types dans les yeux pendant trente secondes plus ou moins avec tout l'entourage Death Row derrière comme spectateurs...?). He tried to get into the backseat, but Suge pulled him down, and a bullet bounced off of his right hip boneand hit is lung. He was also hit in his right hand and chest. Suge was barely hit by a bullet, and suffered a minor head wound. Immediately after the shooting, the Cadillac went south on Koval. Suge made a U-turn from the left lane of Flamingo and sped West toward Las Vegas Blvd., away from the nearest hospital. Suge said that he told Tupac he’d get him to a hospital, and Tupac said, "I need a hospital? You’re the one shot in the head." Patrol officers on an unrelated call at the Maxim Hotel had heard the gunshots and called for back-up. Two other officers followed the BMW, which took a left on Las Vegas Blvd. South, and police reached the car when it was caught in traffic at the intersection of Las Vegas Blvd. and Harmon Ave. The officers called an ambulance. The BMW was covered with blood and pieces of gold, from Tupac’s jewelry, on the inside, and had two flat tires. They brought Tupac out of the car and layed him down on the stretcher. He kept saying, "I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe." The ambulance took Tupac and Suge to the University of Nevada Medical Center. Sgt. Kevin Manning was assigned as leading investigator, and Cathy Scott was named lead reporter for the shooting. When the police questioned the bodyguard they continously asked if he had shot back, and when he said no they asked who had shot back. The bodyguard thought it was Suge’s friends which were mostly blood members. Yafeu Fula had been in the car behind the BMW with bodyguards. He told the police that he could do a photo lineup and gave them his number. A man told Compton police that at Club 662, he heard Tray say that the shooter was Orlando’s uncle Dwayne Keith Davis (Keefee D). Tupac lost 22 oz of blood on the way to the hospital. As he was being carried to the emergencyroom he said, "I’m dying." Tupac was admitted and listed in critical condition. His injuries included a gunshot wound to his right chest with a massive hemothorax and a gunshot wound to the right thigh with the bullet palpable within the abdomen. He also had a gunshot wound to a right finger with a fracture. The preoperative diagnosis was a gunshot wound to the chest and abdomen and post-operative bleeding. Just before midnight he was taken to UMC’s Trauma Center. He was wheeled into the recovery area and was resuscitated according to advanced trauma life support protocol and a full trauma activation was called. He was placed on life support machines. Two liters of blood that had hemorrhaged into his chest cavity were removed. His pulse was very thready and initially he had a minimal bloodpressure, which rapidly declined. He was taken immediately to the operating room for operative intervention and further resuscitation. He underwent surgery which consisted of ligation of bleeding, and a surgeon removed a bullet from his pelvic area which was done at midnight and finished at 2:35am on the 8th. Th eBMW remained in the impound lot at Ewing Bros. Auto Body and Towing lot in North Las Vegas it’s right front and rear ends damaged. Police found no guns inside the car, just a cigar caseand a Motorola cell phone. He underwent another operation that started at 6:25 p.m. and lasted an hour. It was exploratory surgery, and his punctured right lung was removed to stop internal bleeding. He was back in his room at 7:45. American Express said that Suge had rented 21 Las Vegas hotel rooms at $50 each for last night. Tupac was put in a medicinally induced coma and on life support to take pressure off his body. Three Bloodsets met at Lueders Park, and talked about retaliation against the Southside Crips for the attack on Tupac. At 2:58 p.m., on East Alondra a man who Las Vegas police said may have been in the Cadillac was shot in the back on the 9th. At 8 P.M., 20 of Tupac’s friends ran across the street from the traumacenter’s lobby to a car whose driver police had stopped to talk to. Sgt. Cindi West said that they had pulled up to see what was going on and a guy misunderstood and wouldn’t cooperate. The people came out not knowing what was going on and got in the way and were pushing some of the officers. The police handcuffed four men who were later released. Two men were found with butts of marijuana cigarettes, but weren’t arrested. He opened his eyes once, while Kidada was putting Don McLean’s "Vincent" into a player next to his bed. She asked him if he heard her and to move his feet. He did. She asked if he knew she loved him. He nodded. Then he went into a coma. On the 10th, Blackstreet’s album, Another Level came out. "No Diggity," sounds like "Toss It Up." 2Pac had the song done with Aaron Hall before Dre did it, and "Toss It Up" is actually a remix of the original song, because Dre copied it. Aaron Hall, ex-partner of Teddy Riley was the original writer. "Don’t Leave Me" sounds like "I Ain’t Mad At Cha." 2Pac’s concert in Oakland was cancelled. His next concert will be in Oakland if city officials will agree to it. On the 11th, Bobby Finch, a Southside Crip who Compton cops said may have also been in the Cadillac, was gunned down on South Mayo at 9:05 am. Suge and three lawyers spoke with METRO police for an hour and left them with nothing in the way of leads towards suspects or motives. In Compton, Orlando’s cousin Jerry Bonds drove the white Cadillac into an autoshop on White and Alondra with another guy at 3 P.M.. On the 12th Tupac was supposed to have gone to court for sentencing on weapons charges for carrying a concealed gun when he attacked Allen Hughes. On Friday the 13th, doctors tried to resuscitate Tupac several times, then Afeni said not to try again. When Tupac took his last breath Gloria Jean praised his body and could bear witness to who it was. He died at 4:03 p.m. at the Intensive Care Unit. He was pronounced dead by Dr. Lovett o frespiratory failure and cardiopulmonary arrest. The bodyguard had been at Suge’s house, and Suge was mad at him and blaming him for not having his gun with him. He was coming towards him in a threatening way when the phone rang, and he found out Tupac died. Suge told the bodyguard that it didn’t matter now because he’s gone, and his voice was cracking up like he wasg oing to cry. Afeni made a positive identification of Tupac’s body at 5. A mortuary van took his body to the Clark County Coroner’s office at 5:10. They did an autopsy. It determined that Tupac didn’t have any illegal drugs in hisbody, but was heavily sedated. The autopsy report is on file at the office, but is not deemed by Nevada state law to be public. There were ballistics tests, but the results have not been made public. They took six pictures of him which were put on file at the office. Two general assignment detectives took Polaroid pictures of Tupac at the morgue for a police training book, bu tlater were removed from the book and destroyed. They sent his blood to Long Beach Genetics, who did the DNA testing to find the probability of Afeni and Billy 99.97% parentage. Two more Bloods were shot and killed by an assailant who fled on foot. He was cremated. On the 14th, Afeni spread some of his ashes on a hill in L.A. and some on her garden, which has now flourished. Tupac’s family held a private funeral for him in Las Vegas. On the 15th, he was mourned during a memorial service at The House of the Lord Pentecostal Church in Brooklyn, where he was still listed as a member of the congregation. Police had thought that the man at the MGM Grand could have been a suspect, but was ruled out because security was still holding him when Tupac had left the building. Because Tupac didn’t have a will, Afeni had to file court papers as the only living heir and that she was the administer of his estate. Death Row emptied the apartment and took the furniture which Tupac was charged over $100,000 for. Cathy got an autopsy photo of Tupac dissected on a table at the morgue. It is not an official coroner or police photo, and was offered $100,000 for it from The National Enquirer."

    Source: Cliquez ici.

    En affiliation avec certains sites de confiance et tout coïncide parfaitement avec les rapports de police de Mr.Makaveli.net.

    "ptdr" tu disais? La prochaine fois quand on ne maitrise pas l'ironie on se tait...

    Filipino - Sam 24 Mar 2007
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    Mais la voiture n'était pas du côté conducteur !!!(Prouvé dans je ne sais combien de Doc.!)

    Elle était du côté passager, donc de Pac, et le gadjo n'est pas décendu de sa caisse pour aller le buter !!

    Et puis s'il était décendu de la voiture rien que pour buter Pac, il n'y aurait pas eu tous les impacts de balles sur le côté passager ! Il aurait au moins prit la peine de viser !

    DealM_du_93 - Sam 24 Mar 2007
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    il etait où? dans la caisse? celle de tupac ou l'autre O_o......... ptdr

    Kaozz - Sam 24 Mar 2007
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    Très. Enfin Frank Alexander doit l'être plus que moi concernant la vérité, vu que lui était là ce soir là. " :good: "

    DealM_du_93 - Sam 24 Mar 2007
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    .... je l'ai pas révé et pas envi de me prendre la tete.
    on va dire que c'est toi qui a raison :good: content? :)

    Kaozz - Sam 24 Mar 2007
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    Bah explique, parce que c'est pas ce que dit Frank Alexander sur le DVD Before I Wake. Donc source exacte s'il te plaît. ^^

    DealM_du_93 - Sam 24 Mar 2007
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    C'est cité dans le miliard de documentaires retracant la mort de Pac.........

    MAKAVELI_D_DUN - Sam 24 Mar 2007
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    Pac est lui meme dans le coup
    Source -> Ballad of a dead souljah (Lyrics)

    Blast homie what u see now?
    A blind man(=Suge) and a dead body(=Pac)
    Im ready to leave town

    G c pas mais sur le dvd Before I Wake ya le gard du corp de Pac qui rigole , quand on lui pose une question sur la journée du shooting....

    Kaozz - Sam 24 Mar 2007
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    Euh... Source?

    DealM_du_93 - Sam 24 Mar 2007
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    Suge consuidait la BMW et Pac etait coté passager.
    Une autre voiture s'est arrétée à gauche de la BMW (du coté de Suge donc) à un feu rouge.
    Un mec en est sorti et a tué Tupac a travers sa portiere (passager). Il a donc eu le temps de faire le tour de la BMW armé de son arme et de bastosser Tupac.

    Il faut pas etre sorti de st cyr pour se rendre compte que Suge est mélé a l'histoire. il avait largement le temps de faire bouger la gova. D'autant plus que c'est assez bizar de la part du tueur de sortir de la voiture et faire le tour de la BMW. J'ai jamais butté personne (ptdr) mais j'imagine que dans ces situations t'es quand même un peu speed...

    Dj Doggz - Sam 24 Mar 2007
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    Je sais pas qui la tué mais on va peut-etre le savoir.

    Kaozz - Ven 23 Mar 2007
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    Jolie refrappe de PacSide et joli(e) syntaxe/orthographe, ça donne envie.

    Westcoastly69 - Ven 23 Mar 2007
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    Voila un New Forum De Son « Thugs4Life Community »

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    Mpobarat - Jeu 22 Mar 2007
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    La majorité des fans de Pac connaisseurs le savent...Quels sont tes arguments parce que la...Mais je te soutiens sur le fond^^

    miss74 - Jeu 22 Mar 2007
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    nan nan maivou ny etes pa la!!!c pa suge ki la tué!il y est pour rien lui! :angry:

    rap245 - Jeu 22 Mar 2007
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    je vois personne d'autre que suge

    snoop doggy choc - Mer 14 Mar 2007
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    ceux qui pens que ses suge le disent

    Kaozz - Mer 14 Mar 2007
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    Orlando Anderson et sa click. Les groupies auraient voulu que 'Pac ait une mort plus Hollywoodienne, mais non, il a fait le con. Pour ça que les groupies s'entêtent à accuser Suge Knight, la mafia (lol), etc... Et le KGB dans tout ça?

    2pacalypse man! - Mer 14 Mar 2007
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    moi je pencherai kan meme pour suge parce que tupac ne voulait pas aller a Las Vegas ce jour la mais il a ete obliger

    Mpobarat - Mer 14 Mar 2007
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    Apprend à écrire après on en reparlera entre hommes civilisés si tu veux mais moi perso cette question m'intéresse pas, je pense que ce sont des inconnus qui n'aimaient pas Pac et qui étaient assez bien organisés

    snoop doggy choc - Mer 14 Mar 2007
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    au lieu de dire des connerie di moi qui ses pour toi qui la tuer

    Mpobarat - Mar 13 Mar 2007
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    Pour moi tu devrais prendre des cours d'ortographe

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